HACKING A RADIO managed SPY gadget FOR excessively connected GIRLFRIEND.
This is the very first in our series of videos meant to spread the hacking goodness far as well as wide on the net. As you can see, it is a quite silly video, ideally you enjoyed the humor. This wouldn’t be hackaday without an appropriate writeup though!
Initially the concept was to make this as a gadget that my manager might deploy from his Tesla design S. Ultimately, we missed the release of SkyFall, so the whole 007 style seemed a bit flat. However, we did just occur to have a wonderful lady in the office that agreed to be an “overly connected girlfriend”. Here’s a link to the meme for those who are unfamiliar. even though we made her look like a crazy person, she was a fantastic sport about it (Thanks [Stephanie]!).
The goal was to have a radio managed gadget that would send online video as well as audio to somebody as well as had the capability to plant a little GPS tracker on the undercarriage of a car.
My very first believed was just to pick up a spy Trakr since it already handles the audio/video part as well as has a documented interface for adding your own attachments. before I bought this, I did what I usually do when I requirement inexpensive radio managed stuff, I went to toys R Us. While I was there, I saw the Intruder.
This seemed like it might be much quicker than the likewise priced Trakr as well as touted a few of the exact same features. It would link to your cell phone as well as enable you to drive it, switch between night vision as well as routine mode, turn the headlights on as well as off, as well as hear what its microphone chosen up. I instantly liked the function of turning on/off the headlights as this would provide me a channel I might dedicate to an outside gadget without any type of modification.
When I got it out of the box as well as played with it for a while I was quite let down by the “car” part. It sent online video just as it guaranteed however the vehicle itself was sluggish as well as horrible to steer. This is mainly since it utilizes a goofy system for its drive train. The front wheels are fake. They’re totally smooth as well as have no function in turning. All driving as well as turning is done by the rear wheels, acting like treads on a tank. This was going to be the slowest spy vehicle ever if I didn’t take one more route.
Here are some photos of the guts
camera board
camera board underside
aparat foto
rear weight, stupid heavy.
I eventually decided I would get a extremely quick as well as little radio managed vehicle to utilize as a platform, as well as I would utilize the digestive tracts of the Intruder as the spy portion. This worked extremely well. Then, I took a trip to one of the nicer pastime stores in town, pastime Town. I explained my job as well as the guy there was excited to assist me discover something that might work. I truly needed something quick as well as strong, however truly short. At the point I was buying this, I was still planning on putting this beneath the tesla roadster as well as had to think about ground clearance. I discovered the Losi 1/24 scale micro truck, which was small, had 4 wheel drive, as well as independent suspension. No adjustments were necessary to this. I just made the spy part capable of snapping on where the stock body would attach.
To produce the spy part I started with a sheet of plexiglass as well as laid out the internals of the intruder in a neat as well as orderly fashion. I now needed to add my gps providing arm. To make this happen, I utilized a Teensy connected to a basic servo. The teensy would watch for the headlights to turn off. When they did, it would rotate the servo 90 degrees. When the lights turned back on, the arm would drop. simple as can be.
I’d like to take a second to talk about the teensy. It was quite awesome. little sufficient to not add much weight as well as still hand basic pin spacing as well as on board USB. The truth that it can be seen by a computer as an HID gadget is something that will be rather useful in the future. Unfortunately, I left mine in the office in California, so I’ll just order one more for the next project. It is difficult to beat at $19.
parts, not connected yet
front heavy
temporarily in location with twisty ties
The arm was built from scrap I had lying around. There is a light PCB from a cheapo piano, a slot cover from a computer case, as well as a magnet. The fake GPS (yeah, there was no requirement to buy a genuine one for 3 seconds in a video), is just a battery holder with some magnets on it. When it is lifted, the strong magneTS la început sejur cu cadrul automobilului. Ele sunt mai puternice decât magnetul care îl ține la braț, așa că atunci când brațul este coborât, trackerul rămâne pe noua locație.
Iată videoclipul de eșantion pe care l-am trimis directorul meu [Jay], așa că ar putea planifica înainte să împușcăm videoclipul:
În cele din urmă, a fost un succes. Am fugit în unele probleme ciudate în timpul filmărilor, unde ar înceta în totalitate să răspundă. Nu sunt sigur dacă a fost o problemă de distanță sau un crosstalk între ea, precum și altceva. În cele din urmă am făcut-o de lucru. Singura problemă pe care am avut-o a fost când i-am spus [Stephanie] să o conducă chiar în cameră, a făcut exact acest lucru, precum și a bătut pinii de biți care ține partea de sus în jos. O cravată de zip fixă, precum și am fost pregătiți să continuăm.
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